why breastfeed

Why do we as new mothers, and who are able to, breastfeed? It takes waking up at wee hours numerous times, and the first month is really a sharp learning curve. The first two weeks is almost a continous process. Someone is now in your arms, absolutely dependent on you. That looks partially like you, or a little wrinkly person in the first few hours. He or she is barely the length of a baby bolster, and can hardly even turn by himself/herself. The bolster acts as a side wedge. Once a while you see the makings of a little smile. The eyes peering at you and following you around in the room. The little head nudged against your warm body, searching for food.

So why do we breastfeed? After one year, I finally realised why. (Yes, I have read numerous books about the need and purpose for breastfeeding. This is more of a personal, perhaps, awakening of understanding.) To protect the child with the mother's own immunity, basically, other than just providing milk that is filled with the goodness specially tailored for the baby. Hence, ideally, a year in breastfeeding might not be enough. As a coverage, perhaps two or three might be required, till the babe develops his immunity strong enough to stand on his/her own feet. Ideally. That is, providing, the babe chooses to continue feeding. Sometimes they decide to just stop and focus on table food. And sometimes the milk just decreases. Ideals versus reality. Just do what you can, with what you are convicted with, and comfortable. :)
Don't be discouraged if you cannot breastfeed.
Considering this heavy responsibility, I am reminded to seriously eat healthily and sufficient rest is in line. eat, eat - not fast food, but real food , so that our reserves do not get depleted.


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