pondering one's value to society

The Tohoko region earthquake/tsunami disaster has abruptly forced me to face the fact that a nation's destiny and future depends entirely on collective work and responsibilities of individuals and their responses to carrying out their daily vocation. Many times I meander along the path in my own private stream of thoughts, oblivion to what is happening in the societal context. Being a fan of historical stories and records, I find that isolation of a nation due to fear has never brought about growth, but the opposite. We need to be connected to a larger society to grow.

I am half kicking myself for doing so, and perhaps this is a humbling wake up call to realise that as a believer of the Lord, our personal responsibility of answering God's call as His witness and ambassador of His character and presence counts as well to the final accumulated result of whether we will become a sheep or goat nation? yikes.

This recent tragedy brings the brutal fact to surface again - how vital the seemingly "small" contribution of individuals are - to the collective well-being of a larger society, and overall, the nation. May the comfort and healing of the Lord continue to be with those who suffered loss both great and small in this recent series of disasters in Japan.

In a nutshell, you and me - what we do and how we live daily counts in the building of the overall picture. Luke 12:48. Such humbling correction. Are we living intentionally?


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