2011: the year it was...
New year. This year is different. There is no bun in the oven. We just finished 4 events in December: a wedding, a service, special visitors' sleepover, then Christmas, and a church camp. Well, technically the last one - was hubby's event, but we tagged along and had great fun.
The year it was in a nutshell: joy of pregnancy, pain of miscarriage, distressing rumours, changes in the workplace, new school-going experience for little boy, juggling the toilet training game, family member's major stroke & thankfully -- gracious, miraculous recovery, then grandma's glorious homegoing. Between this and the next event, I could almost add in a "selah". LOL. The year ended like a fastball with a wedding in the family, Christmas and a time in the mountains with a youth group. I would say the year ended well. Peaceably, and I feel rested at heart. The Lord's faithfulness and steadfast love can always be depended on.
One thing I am grateful for - when you are free in your heart, you are truly free indeed, despite circumstances, situations or surroundings. We protect our freedom by protecting our heart. This is another story.
I write this as a reminder as the year ends and a new one unfolds: Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flows the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23. Happy New Year, everyone :)