Humility heals

I had felt deeply hurt by a thoughtless note lately. It came at a time when I had an extremely busy work season and with lots of things to be sorted out within very short work deadlines. Being a generally emotionally detached person when in work mode, I was unaware I was still in pain till the mention of meeting the author of the note came up. And was wondering - what to do, because I suddenly felt was really angry again. Though I had forgiven on the spot upon reading it back then, yet the wound felt fresh again at the idea of meeting the person; and the hurt felt so deep I felt like screaming aloud with pain. So I desperately cried out to the Lord for help. I did not want to continue in that mode. It had no good in it. On a whim, I scrolled the FB page, when noticed someone I highly regarded and respect - post something so humbling; and upon reading it, I felt the gush of the Lord's healing grace came and removed the pain. The posting read: Among the people with whom I live most of my life, the people of ---, there is a tradition I want to pass on to you. When someone prepares for the New Year, they go to their family and friends to ask for forgiveness for any hurt and pain they have caused them during the year, and seek forgiveness for any sin they may have committed during the year. I think that is a good practice. So, to all of my Facebook family and friends. I ask you for your forgiveness for any pain and hurt which I have caused you during this past year, and for any sin I have committed against you. This one simple post -- immediately dislodged and neutralised the anger and hurt. Only a deep sense of peace remained. I was once again caught by surprise -- but this time, by a peace that surpassed understanding. This experience made me realise how wonderful humility is. How effective it is in neutralising and healing the hearts of hurting people. And how wonderful the Lord is, hearing the desperate cries of His servant for release and healing. Thank You Lord. Likewise, I am humbled as am reminded once again of how amazing and powerful the work of the Cross is; that Jesus, being God and the Son of God Himself, should come and die for our sins. He was unrelated with these wrongdoings. Yet, he apologised to God the Father (Father, forgive them), and even went further to pay the penalty of it for us. Again, such love, such humility, such amazing grace from our Lord and God. It just blows one away. With that, it gives sufficient grace and strength to move forward to the next day without the shadow of darkness.


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