GIve them something good in return...

I woke up this morning, checked mail and came across a short clip about Malaysian Emigrants. The response to the reporter's interview with a minister left much to be desired. "We have forgiven these people much, sacrificed much for them", was his statement. If you just read the words, it might seem like something gracious... that is, if you are indeed in need of forgiveness for a some heinous crime committed. But do we need forgiveness for being born in the race or skin colour that we are? Do we need forgiveness for being born in the only country we've called our own as well? Perhaps, sadly, we are considered as "heinous criminals", for being born in the nation we've ever known as home. No wonder he almost spat those words out, with so much scorn - but perhaps, he did that because he has never ever opened his heart to receive a true friendship from one of another race. Perhaps he was only brought up to fear the other races.. I don't know. Seriously. He did seem like he was from a much older generation. SHALL THIS HATRED & FEAR CONTINUE?

Thankfully, I also heard gracious, healing and comforting words that gave me hope from another emigrant of the same people group as the minister. But the sad thing is, he has also become an emigrant - so that he can speak freely and share freely from his heart. My heart breaks at this unneccesary angst that tears at the fabric. The fear of being colonised. Perhaps if we would open our hearts to each other, maybe we will see that everyone does not want to be colonised, nor to colonise. We just want to live in peace, with acceptance and respect. Is it really that hard? Seriously the foundations of this nation needs to be reworked at the relationship level. We need to befriend each other. Let's start with having tea and visitng each other: perhaps childhood friends whom you have played and laughed with. If there is suspicion even upon meeting after a long time, we should embrace and continue embracing till all these melt away.

Like I mentioned earlier, I was reeling from the awfulnes of the response from the leader... but then a friend forwarded me an enouraging movie clip to watch. The Butterfly Circus, from the Doorpost Film Project. It is an uplifting and emotionally healing clip of unconditional acceptance for who we are. It's a message of grace.

This friend of mine actually gave me somethign good. It reminded me of Arthur Guiness, who felt God spoke to him to "give them something good" to drink... when he was wondering what he could do about the men who frequented the pubs and spend all their wages there, while families suffered. Yup, Guiness Stout, had good beginnings. So this friend's kind gesture, helped heal the pain of rejection I felt at the short clip. Thanks, dear friend. Let's render good for evil.


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