Milestones: "Uh-oh", "jee ther" & "ee-aa-ee-aa" and other interesting vocabulary

OH-oh: "Something has happened that shouldn't, Mom!"
Litle boy uses "Oh-oh" quite a bit. When something unplesant hsppens on the tv program, I will hear "OH-oh". When little boy has done something he know he shouldn't or he thinks it shouldn't happen, you will hear the "oh-oh" too.

The thoughts that I can almost see going on in his head are like:
"Oh-oh!" (I dropped my cup).
"Oh-oh!" (The cartoon character fell off the tree)
"Oh-oh!" (I accidentally dropped the remote)
"Oh-oh!" (My spoonful of yogurt dripped down my shirt)
"Oh-oh!" (The small piece of chicken fell to the floor while I was scooping it up)... :)

"Jee ther" will be accompanied normally by having your hand jerked to a certain direction by a little hand, while the face looks at you earnestly, and looks at the direction of the desired object - other hand will point to the things he wants you to get the dvds... or to his paints... and "Jee ther!"

"Ee-ya-ee-ya" - is often heard when a show has finished. Or the start button has not been pressed, or when he has climbed up on the chair and wants something (without running to you or pulling your hand)... ee-ya-ee-ya!

"danks" means thanks!

Fish! always accompanies Water!
or vice versa. "Water!" "Fish!"

Well, I know other kids his age may be speaking full phrases. But never mind.. It's ok to let him go at his own pace... But for now, we are really enjoying the mimickry phase the little boy is going through. ps. if i get to video him doing all these phrases, then i'll put them up. hehehehe.


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