Am I wandering alone?

During worship one day, I saw a picture of a man dressed to travel. I felt I was like that man. 
Like a wanderer in the desert.  There was a little hut there, and though it was night, it was not dark.
I wonder how I would get home. 
As I was wondering about this, I felt an inclination to look up. There was a bright star shining in the distance. If I follow this star, a little a day, perhaps I will be able to right path?

That was what I thought as I pondered on the darkness of the night. 
But then I felt a strong grip on my hand. It was the Lord. He was here all along. 
He and a whole company of people right with him. I had never walked alone. 
He had always been there, and others as well. 

Only my heart had not been able to see, nor wanted to see. 
What was truly around me. All I saw was my own loneliness. 
With this, I realised, how true the admonishment: 
Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it flows the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23
As I allowed myself to see truth as it is, I saw I was never alone. 
The Lord God had always been there with me. 


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