pain psychology and grace

"You live with pain and think it's normal." Hubby was telling me that recently when I finally decided to visit the doc for the pain on my hand. Few months ago, I had a sprain on my left wrist. Now there is pain on the lower part of the wrist, nearer to the thumb. "Pain tells you something is wrong," he continued. I was a bit taken aback when he said that. I guess growing up with tough conditions one to think pain is normal. Plough through. But pain is not. Hmmm.

In August 2006, more than a year ago, the Lord told me to learn grace. Later in December, I remember pushing myself hard physically to help clean up after the Christmas party at church though was feeling dead tired. I did not realise was pregnant at that point. It was a good thing that there was no accident.

A similar incident occurred back in 2003 or so when I had a cake accident. It took two weeks to bake and prep for the cake. Then on the final icing stage, the icing broke down. I worked almost overnight to try to salvage the situation. I pushed myself through for more than 24 hours. Then my period was absent for almost 3 months. It was really depressing, pregnancy tests came back nil. When I cried out to the Lord, he told me that my period will comeback on 22 May. I had peace of heart upon hearing His word. On 22 May, period was restored, and I had forgotten. looking back, I wonder - did I lose a precious bundle then? If that was true, then the child is in God's arms.

Thank God for His mercy and grace. This Baby was protected. Initial pregnancy tests also indicated nil. I was having trouble eating Indian curries which I use to love. Plus nausea late at night for a few weeks. But I kept testing when felt possibility of being pregnant. Then early one morning, it felt like Christmas morning when the gifts are all ready to be unwrapped. The results were positive. I ran into the bedroom and woke up sleepy Hubby wit the news. (Apparently upon checking while writing this blog, he said he had no recollection of it because he was even able to have whole conversations with his mom while sleeping when he was younger.) sigh. Anyway, looking back sometime later, I realised that when God said to learn grace, it was a lesson to learn to rest. Rest from pain and embrace grace; which incidentaly means, gift of God.


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