"Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your hair"

I remember reading a cartoon once making fun of Rapunzel's hair. The prince was standing adoringly underneath the window of the high tower. The he says, "Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your hair. She did and he was showered with lots of white little dandruff flakes. teehehehehe.

About two months back, I started experiencing hair loss. It was frightening. You wake up and see lots of hair on the pillow, on the bed, on the floor. It increased till I was collecting a handful of hair while cleaning the floor. My part time helper saw the hair on the balcony the first week it started and thought I had trimmed my hair and left it there (no, i don't know how it got there, probably from my clothes hanging there to dry). Goodness.

It seems post natal hair loss is a common thing (or is it?). Now I am wondering when it will stop. Baby seemed to have lost most of his hair at one point, but now his hair is growing back nicely. Will the mother experience the same? Anyone has any idea how this can be reversed?


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