Milestone: Parents identified...

Often in the morning, Baby is told -- Papa is sleeping... heheheheh. But warning aside, he will continue to roll over to the sleeping giant, and try to swat at his face or his hand. He loves his father. And his father always smiles sleepily at him anyway. (Very effective alarm clock.. hehehehehehhe).

Hubby also claimed Baby called him first months back. Much excitement was garnerned and Baby was rewarded by a doting father. Mommy the trainer had always advocated he call his father, Papa. An occasional "Daddy" slips out in addressing Hubby to Baby. So what did Baby choose to address his father? Da-daa. Da-da.

The mother normally addresses herself as "Mama". One day, Hubby said, Baby is calling you. "Huh"? Then I heard," Mehhh". More recently, it has become, "Ma mehhhh". Oh. I see. Nowadays I hear that word, ma mehhhh, quite often. So it's true. He really calls us, Da-daa and Ma-mehh. Well done son, well done. Call Da-daa in the morning. Let Ma meh sleeeeep...:P


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