6 Hours One Friday
6 Hours One Friday. Max Lucado. Read the book. It will change your life. It did mine. Many years ago. But now, I need to allow the Holy Spirit to redig the wells of revival in my own life. Come Holy Spirit, Come. Maranatha. Let the hardness of my heart be washed away by the pure living waters of life from the Father's throne. Let the fiery passions of the Lord Jesus Christ be rebirthed deep within and the fires stoked to burn anew, stronger than ever. Come, Holy SPirit, come, mae my heart once again the dwelling place of the Father, Son and Yours. Unclogged my ears from unbelief so I may hear Your words of life, whispered ever so gently into my heart. Open my mouth once again with Your wisdom and boldness that I may stand before You, bold, unitimidated, overflowing with Your love and power to those YOu want to reach out to. Grant that my heart with overflow with purity and compassion that I may gaze into the eyes of Your love ones and call them by Your name. I love You LOrd. Please, throughout all these, grant me the cloak of humility, that having done all, I may still stand in Your presence, totally devoted to You. I love You Lord. Immanuel.