
Whoa, I just saw my photos on facebook taken by a friend. Hmmm, this little tubby, round figure looks strangely familiar... who does it remind me of??? Oh! Princess Fiona of course! (pincess who? Oh.. you mean the OGRE princess of Shrek. hahahaha. Only the colour is different). Yikes. Time to get crunching.

I had laid off exercising for more than a year after delivery. Ceasarean had a greater effet on the abdomen than I expected. Only lately could actually feel normal trying to do a crunch. By now, there is a little fatty belly to deal with. Sigh. Amazing what a "letting go and eating" can do to a person in a year. Hubby even said today that we had seem to lost some weight. I know he definitely did. These photos taken by a friend at a farewell was a sure vanity squasher. hahaahahaahah. Never mind, better late than never. :)


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