"Pray the ANSWER"

About a month ago, I received a call about a situation about a marriage going through serious challenges. This matter deeply troubled me. An appointment to verify the matter was scheduled early the next morning. That night, I slept on the sofa outside as not to wake baby and hubby when I prepare to leave early morning. I could hardly sleep. Then in the wee hours of the morning, I fell asleep and had a dream.

In the dream, I was seated in the back seat of a car driven by my FIL and my MIL was on the front passenger seat. They were driving me to BV where the appointment was in real life. The back seat looekd very unusual, as it had fruits growing all over them.
One was noticeably bigger than the rest - about the size of an open hand. The rest were of numerous sizes and growing, a kind of citrus fruit. Many were quite small, liek the sizeof kumquats. All varying sizes.

When we arrived at BV, my MIL told my FIL that she wanted to pray for me, and jumped out of the car. We stood on one corner of the building. She was wearing a baju kurung, looked slim and happy. She put her hand lightly on my shoulder and said, Pray the answer. Then she blessed me and left. (Or it felt like she blessed me and left). I woke up. My heart felt strengthened. It did not feel worried, just at peace and strengthened. No despair, no restlessness. God is also concerned about this matter. I felt such assurance. PRAY THE ANSWER is the directive. I had not thought of prayer in that manner before. I mean, yes and no - not in such clear terms, I supposed. But yes, I prayed what I wanted to see. This is what God wants too, so we are in agreement, and that's good. (If you want to know, my MIL has gone back to heaven almost two years ago.)

Must remember to PRAY THE ANSWER.


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