Milestones: "I understand, though I speak not yet"

Little Boy (LB) is growing in his comprehension of words, though he does not verbalise them yet. Last week, it was a warm morning, and Little Boy was lying in the cot, sucking his thumb with his little feet up in the air, while waiting for breakfast. "It is quite warm, please take off your socks." The mother said to LB. "Please take off your socks." She repeated. He looked at her, then promptly pull off his socks. Oh, it was a surprise to the Mother. She said it, but was not sure whether he truly understood. Apparently he did.

Few days back, while settling him during bedtime, he suddenly got up, held on to the cot railing and started sucking his thumb. (The thumb sucking basically means, I need comfort.. give me food, or let me sleep). This gesture accompanied by protests, apparently meant, I would like to have more milk. So the tired mother waved the hand at the other end of the cot, and said, Come over here to where my hand is waving if you want milk." She has half going to sleep. Apparently he understood, and walked over to the waving arm. hmmm.

Must make a quick reminder to be careful of what I tell him. Children are like living recorders. They will innocently repeat without hesitation what you say at home in public places. hahahaah. Which reminds me to continue to work toward transparency in walking with the Lord both in our private as well as public lives.


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