words hurt, words heal
"If the wound of one's heart is visible, maybe everyone would stop hurting others." I came across this statement while browsing through a manga, Boku ga Utau to kimi wa warau kara.
It made me wonder - if the wounds we inflict on others' hearts becomes visible - maybe, perhaps, we would not be so careless with our words or actions. Personally, it would be rare to enjoy stabbing someone with a knife and relish seeing the blood ooze out as the person dies a slow death. Unless we have no conscience ourselves. Unless we are dead ourselves in our hearts. But how many times have we secretly enjoyed watching others cringe with pain with our rebuttal when they have hurt us first? I guess it now makes sense that the Lord compares our words hurled in anger to an act of murder.
Matthew 5
21“You have heard that our ancestors were told, ‘You must not murder. If you commit murder, you are subject to judgment.’d 22But I say, if you are even angry with someone,e you are subject to judgment! If you call someone an idiot, you are in danger of being brought before the court. And if you curse someone, you are in danger of the fires of hell.
If we can see the heart bleed each time we throw harsh words at others - despite whatever excuses we give ourselves i.e. tiredness, monthly periods, tough day at work, hormones - then maybe, perhaps - we will be more careful to value self-control. This character is often not valued because it is perceived as "weak" when it's actually meekness.
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. This was what the Lord said.
It makes me tremble when I think of the sword in my hand (words) that I have used unintentionally, or more accurately described as, carelessly - on those around me especially, or those I come in contact, or those who are providing me service and "it did not meet my expectations." sigh. How arrogant we can be in our ignorance of the hurt we inflict on others. No wonder God is so marvellous and people all over worships Him. His character alone, and the beauty of His love simply melts peoples' hearts and brings healing. May we truly become the people who dish out reconciliation to others.
I guess when we are wounded, we will pause and think - after the anger subsides. I thank God that He sent His Holy Spirit to guide us and lead us to life, whenever we stray away from the straight and narrow path. Lord have mercy. :p I hope I will remember this truth.
WORDS can cause injury to others, but words can also bring LIFE that heals, LIFE that restores. May we be vessels of the words of life, the good news of the gospel. :)
It made me wonder - if the wounds we inflict on others' hearts becomes visible - maybe, perhaps, we would not be so careless with our words or actions. Personally, it would be rare to enjoy stabbing someone with a knife and relish seeing the blood ooze out as the person dies a slow death. Unless we have no conscience ourselves. Unless we are dead ourselves in our hearts. But how many times have we secretly enjoyed watching others cringe with pain with our rebuttal when they have hurt us first? I guess it now makes sense that the Lord compares our words hurled in anger to an act of murder.
Matthew 5
21“You have heard that our ancestors were told, ‘You must not murder. If you commit murder, you are subject to judgment.’d 22But I say, if you are even angry with someone,e you are subject to judgment! If you call someone an idiot, you are in danger of being brought before the court. And if you curse someone, you are in danger of the fires of hell.
If we can see the heart bleed each time we throw harsh words at others - despite whatever excuses we give ourselves i.e. tiredness, monthly periods, tough day at work, hormones - then maybe, perhaps - we will be more careful to value self-control. This character is often not valued because it is perceived as "weak" when it's actually meekness.
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. This was what the Lord said.
It makes me tremble when I think of the sword in my hand (words) that I have used unintentionally, or more accurately described as, carelessly - on those around me especially, or those I come in contact, or those who are providing me service and "it did not meet my expectations." sigh. How arrogant we can be in our ignorance of the hurt we inflict on others. No wonder God is so marvellous and people all over worships Him. His character alone, and the beauty of His love simply melts peoples' hearts and brings healing. May we truly become the people who dish out reconciliation to others.
I guess when we are wounded, we will pause and think - after the anger subsides. I thank God that He sent His Holy Spirit to guide us and lead us to life, whenever we stray away from the straight and narrow path. Lord have mercy. :p I hope I will remember this truth.
WORDS can cause injury to others, but words can also bring LIFE that heals, LIFE that restores. May we be vessels of the words of life, the good news of the gospel. :)