In Him we live and move and have our being.

I wrote the last post almost a week ago.
And I am constantly amazed by the grace of God.
Constantly comforted by His presence and strength.
How the Lord grants us emotional strength to get up and move on.
How He knows better than we do what we need just to do that.

Earlier, I was wondering how to cope with the grief.
It still comes and goes. Like a gentle dew, the comfort of the Lord accompanies it.
I worry for hubby. He does not use many words.
His words are usually short and succint. I am grieving. I am "Frasier-ing".
He copes by watching Frasier, and enjoying solitude.
I am placed in an environment where my eyes are placed to look at the living around me.
It still feels like a dream. A faint memory that still brings tears.
I have to just get up. And get going.

All things are permissible but not all things are profitable.
Times and seasons. Time to mourn, time to rejoice.
This is a short privileged period where I am allowed time and space to mourn.
Time and space to recover physically.
Time and space to gather the thoughts and put them on paper.
I am recovering. I feel stronger. And it's all because of the Lord. And the prayer of the saints.

"Who knows the Lord will still leave a blessing?"
In the midst of this time of rest, my niece invited Jesus to be her Lord and Saviour. This brought joy :)
The trial period was short. It was not months. It was not years. And we are thankful for that.
In the midst of the distress, we see God's mercy. His tears as well. His peace and comfort
We are made like Him. He has grieved uncountable times. Who comforts Him?
Perhaps we will remember to comfort Him as well in His time of grief, and live our lives in ways that brings Him joy instead of grief. He has enough grief, with such a tender heart. If we feel pain, how much more He does,

I hope to come forth from this with a more compassionate heart, a more reflective perspective towards life, rather than being tossed around life's waves by one crisis to another. I write to remind myself.
We can be laughing in one corner of the room, while another is weeping their hearts out.
I saw that in the gyne's waiting lounge again. A lady came out with loud weeping after the consultation. Satisfied and contented faces of young couples expecting their first child. Another sat leaning against the wall with a worried and perplexed expression.

This kind of perspective does not require a tragedy to develop. It just requires us to take a slower step, and eyes that are not so full of ourselves. Humbling experience. Another milestone in this journey of life.
I thank God for the Lord. With whom we can entrust our love ones into HIs care completely.
And I know they will be well taken care of minus the sufferings of this life. "For I know whom I have believed and that He is able to complete what He has begun." I am so thankful for Jesus, and the privilege of knowing Him.


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