Little Boy's Favourite Pasta

Yesterday we were supposed to go out for a dinner treat. But hubby was exhausted, and fell asleep. So with a tired hubby and a small boy, and dinner calling at the last minute... pasta seems to be the answer again. This time I decided to try using the cream, water & egg base.

Little Boy's favourite tomato pasta

350g pasta (Agnesi's tricolour fusili)
4 ozs cream + 2 ozs filtered water
2 large eggs
2 ozs cheddar cheese, grated
1/4 tsp organic salt (OR 2 tbsp soba dipping sauce)
2/3 cup of basil tomato sauce (San Remo's basil tomato sauce)
freshly ground black pepper
* freshly ground white sesame seeds
* freshly ground flax seeds
1 tbsp Extra virgin olive oil

Cook the pasta according to instructions al dente. Drain almost all the cooking water, except for 2 tbsps or so. Stir in the olive oil followed by the grated cheese. Mix well till all the cheese is melted. (Coating the pasta with oil & cheese first).

Mix the eggs, cream, water, salt together. Stir it into the freshly cooked pasta while it is still hot. Then add in tomato sauce, and resume stirring over low fire for about 3 minutes (so eggs would be cooked). If using soba sauce, add it at the end, give it a few stirs and it's done.

* Optional items: I always keep a few grinders with sesame, and flaxseed at the table. Freshly grounded, these help contribute extra nutrition to the dishes.

Note: The cream sauce creates a rich base to add in any sauce, e.g. pesto, tomato sauce. The oil and cheese are added first to coats the pasta lightly. This helps create "layering" in the flavours: olive oil, cheese, white eggy cram base, tomato sauce followed by soba dip finishing.

I was still in the kitchen getting the cutlery out when I heard Little Boy said, "Yummy". When I came out to the Dining area, he was already standing near the pasta pot, and said to me, yummy. I suspected he had taken one piece and tasted it. When it was scooped into his bowl, he cradled the bowl and went to the nearby sofa with it. Later he even asked for seconds. It was the first time I have seen such a response from him, hence the name of this pasta.


CatherineLye said…
Yummilicious, I miss Seth and all of you :)

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