Come forth, Davids!
Sometimes I think the Lord allow us to be in leadership to transform us to be more Christlike. I have never really identified with the burden of Paul as stated in Galatians, "Till Christ is formed in you" at the deeper emotional level (right in your splachna, or bowels) more than now. Faced with the challenges of a pastoral role. Indeed, may Christ be formed (birthed) in us so we may be like Him.
In the past, I oft have loved a backseat in leadership. Yes, I liked hiding behind the curtains, or skirts (or shadow), of the leader. (Yes, my mom in law's skirts, subconsciously.) But hiding is something that Saul would do. Saul hid when he was announced as the new king of Israel. Not David. David ran from threats of death from the insecure. He hid, yes. But when it was his turn to assume leadership, he stepped up to the challenge. He did not wrangle or force Israel to accept him as the leader after Saul's death. He was ready. But he waited till they came and acknowledged him as their king. Allegiance for leadership does not come by appointment. It comes from the Lord. It comes in the form of authority that flows from the favour with God and from God, flows the favour with men. Let God establish the leadership. Let God appoint. When He does, step up to the plate. hide no more. This is not the day of Sauls, but the day of Davids. David who overcomes the ten thousands. Come forth, Davids!
In the past, I oft have loved a backseat in leadership. Yes, I liked hiding behind the curtains, or skirts (or shadow), of the leader. (Yes, my mom in law's skirts, subconsciously.) But hiding is something that Saul would do. Saul hid when he was announced as the new king of Israel. Not David. David ran from threats of death from the insecure. He hid, yes. But when it was his turn to assume leadership, he stepped up to the challenge. He did not wrangle or force Israel to accept him as the leader after Saul's death. He was ready. But he waited till they came and acknowledged him as their king. Allegiance for leadership does not come by appointment. It comes from the Lord. It comes in the form of authority that flows from the favour with God and from God, flows the favour with men. Let God establish the leadership. Let God appoint. When He does, step up to the plate. hide no more. This is not the day of Sauls, but the day of Davids. David who overcomes the ten thousands. Come forth, Davids!