"I must study politics..."

Each generation has a responsibility of sowing into the next. We are accountable to not only live for this generation, but to literally build a better future for the young ones with our conscious decisions and choices today.

There is something about being parents that opens up the experience of stewardship of life into a new level. And I feel my heart being challenged about this matter, in the light of all that is happening around us nationally as well as internationally.

An interview I read some time back quoted a successful businessman saying something to the effect that the businesses we are building today is for for reaping in the future. I.e. Businesses that you build today, will show its fruit down the line in 20, 30 , 50 years' time.

In the same line of thought echoes the words of John Adams, in letter to Abigail Adams in 1780,

"The science of government is my duty to study, more than all the other sciences; the arts of legislation and administration and negotiations ought to take place of, indeed to exclude in a manner, all other arts. I must study politics and war, so that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy."

The congresswoman, Nancy Pelosi, quoted John Adams, I must study politics and war so that my sons will have the liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons must study navigation, commerce and agriculture, so that their children will have the right to study painting, poetry and music. and commented,"Broadening opportunity is the responsibility of one generation to the next."

So what kind of future will we be leaving to the next generation? What decisions are we making today so our grand and great grandchildren "may study painting... poetry... and music?"


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