signs of life...

On Monday, I had a throat irritation. It progressed to little ulcers that started forming at the back of the throat by evening. Had to see a Doc. Was given antibiotics. The rest of the week went by blurly. No cooking could be done. Mundane work felt like drudgery. You long for sleep, but with little tigger's admirer around, sleep often played hide and seek.

Today is Saturday. Antiobiotics course completed. Meds finished. Throat inflammation had reduced. But my body felt really lethargic. Mood was rather blue. No inspiration to do anything. Not much signs of life. Medication can help heal but it also really taxes one's physical well being.

Less than an hour ago, a dear friend came by. Looking at the sky when hubby met them, I felt, Something is coming. Big. Felt rather ominous... Shortly after they left, I wanted to collect the laundry drying at the balcony area. I was arrested. A fierce wind was blowly right outside. The coconut tree was bent, its leaves harnessed down. I could hear screams coming from an illegally constructed temple shack. A small tree broke in half. The waters of the river started flowing the opposite direction. You can see the white waters forming. But the sheer force of the wind; the possibility of danger, the beauty, the thrill of seeing such an amazing sight - right outside my balcony - was simply uplifting. I wanted to run towards it. And few minutes later, just as fast as it came, it went off. The sky lightened. The rain drizzled pleasantly.


Alpha Lim said…
Yea, it was too short...

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